Learn HTML,CSS, Python etc from the foundation

Friday, February 1, 2019


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Hi, I humbly welcome you to our first lesson on JavaScript. In this lesson, I will come down from the high horse of complexity and incomprehensibility, and make use of simplest words to explain to you all I know about JavaScript programming language. Though JavaScript is easy and simple to learn, I promise to make it easier and simpler.  Yes, learning JavaScript with me will give you a rocket boost in the world of coding as long as you have a fundamental knowledge of HTML and CSS.  Without wasting much of your time on lengthy promises, let me untie the package that brought you to this page, (coughs!).
JavaScript (usually abbreviated JS) is interpreted, high-level, scripting, and runtime programming language that is used to add interactivity to web pages (e.g animation, etc), process data and as well as create various applications such as mobile apps, desktop apps, games and lots more.  (ASIDE: This definition may be a little bit technical, but don't worry, as we go deeper into the course, it will become clearer.).
 JS programming language was created by Brendan Eich for a certain company known as Netscape. It is the most popular web developing programs among web developers because it allows easy manipulation of the web browsers and its contents in a way that seems totally impossible using only HTML and CSS.   As an interpreted language (and not compiled languages like C, C++, Java, etc) it does not have to go through an intermediary compilation stage in which source code is transformed into machine language that is easy for a CPU to process. And as a scripting language, JavaScript is an indispensable part of a web application that has an API for working with text, arrays, dates, regular expressions and basic manipulation of the DOM (i.e Document Object Model).  
JavaScript is one of the most important three languages every web developers must learn. You must have first learned how to describe the content of a web page (HTML), then you move into understanding how the layout of a web page works(CSS) before you start programming the behaviour of the web page (JavaScript). (Your head is already full, let's stop here biko!).


You will learn a lot of things in this course that will greatly assist you in frontend programming. JavaScript is a wonderful script that will help you gain more control over the looks, feels and behaviours of your web pages.  It is, in fact, the brain of web pages. I will teach you how to use JS to add a simple game to your web page and lots more free of charge in this course.  See you in our next lesson.

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