Learn HTML,CSS, Python etc from the foundation

Monday, December 17, 2018



Hi, welcome to my first lesson on HTML!
In this first lesson, I will be giving you general background on HTML and the fundamental HTML document structure. Even if you have not heard about HTML before, you don’t need to fear. I will take the pain to introduce HTML to you and also walk you through with all the fundamental things need to know as a beginner. Let’s get going

HTML is an acronym for Hypertext Markup Language. It is used to create content for a web page. If you want to learn how to build, develop or design website, then you have to be very familiar with HTML. 

One unique thing about HTML is that it uses tags to identify its content unlike programming languages such as CSS, PHP etc. 

If you are wondering what I mean by tags, then don’t panic! I will throw more light on it as we proceed. Nevertheless, I want you to know that HTML is the easiest and simplest to learn when compared to other languages like PHP, C#, Java, and so on.  The latest version of HTML is HTML 5. We will also look at this in our later lessons. Now let’s overview the fundamental HTML document structures.

You need to have these HTML documents structures at the back of your mind. It is very important. You might not understand it all now but as we proceed, it will become clearer and simple.

1.     1.       The <html> Tags:
All HTML documents have an opening and closing tags. What I mean by this is that whenever you want to write HTML content, you should begin with <html> and also end your writing with </html>.  Take note of the slanting line(/). It differentiates the opening tag from the closing tag.

1.     2.       The <head> Tags:
Between your <html> tags, are the <head> tags. The <head> tags are just the head of your document and it also has an opening tag (i.e. <heading>) and closing tags (</head>).  It comprises of all the non-visual elements that make a web page. You will understand what I mean by these in our later lessons. Just know that once you open your HTML tag, the next thing that follows is the <head> tags.
 That is:
     <head> </head>
1.     3.       The <body> Tags
It also has opening tags (<body>) and closing tags (</body>).  The <body> tags contains all images, paragraphs, lists, quotes and all visual structures that made up a web page. The body tags follow the <head> tags. That is,
     <head> </head>

We’ve established some points that will help us as we proceed in the HTML tutorial.  All these might confuse you especially if you’ve not seen of HTML document structure before. I too was confused at first but it was for a little time. In our next lesson, I will be teaching you how to create your first web page. So make sure you have either notepad++, notepad, Dreamweaver, coda, sublime text,  VS code or any good text editor. If you don’t, please download any of these on your PC or Smartphone.


  1. Thanks for this sir,
    Thanks also for your time of taking us through this lesson

    1. You're welcome. Feel free to ask any questions on the lessons. We'll be glad to help!

  2. This article just gave me a clearer view of HTML. Keep it up sir.

  3. Thanks so much. This is really enlightening
