Learn HTML,CSS, Python etc from the foundation

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


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I humbly welcome you to today’s lesson. Hope you’re doing well. I will be teaching you how to combine HTML colors and add frames to a website or a blog.  This is the second to the last lesson (i.e penultimate lesson) we will be looking at before we go into HTML 5 and subsequently, CSS course.  In this lesson, I will first discuss HTML color, different color combinations we have, and how to manipulate different colors in HTML.  The last part of the lesson will be devoted to learning how to create frame on a website or a blog. Let’s get started.

1.     How to use HTML colors
HTML colors are represented in hexadecimal value. These hexadecimal values include 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F.  If you count all these values from 0-F, you will discover that all the values amount to 16.  Zero (0)  represents the lowest value while F represents the highest value. Moreover, it is important to state here that colors in HTML are displayed in a combination of Red, Green, and Blue, (RGB).  Hence, different colors are formed from this main colors by combining the hexadecimal values. This combination of hex value must begin with hashtag symbol(#) and then followed by three(3) or six (6) hex character.
There are over 15 million RGB color combination of color value in HTML. Because of time and space, we will be looking at a few combinations.
#FF00000 represents Red Color
#000000 represents Black Color
#00FF00 represents Green color
#0000FF represents Blue color
#FFFFFF represents White Color
#777777 represents Gray Color
You can mix as many as you can.

Practical Example on How HTML color works
If we want to apply some colors to a web page of a website or a blog, let’s say we want to change the background color and font color. Then do the following

Open your text editor and key in the following codes below. The result will amaze you.

                 <Title>Home Page</title>
       <body  bgcolor=’’#0000ff’’>
                               <font color=’’#c1250f’’>Idike Mabel</font>
It will look like this in your text editor

Save and open it, the result will appear like this

2.     Adding Frames to a website
If you want to add a frame to your website or blog, you can use <frame> tag. <Frame> tag helps you to partition (or divide) website or blog into different sections. If you want to define the number of columns or rows on the frame, <frameset>  element can help you do that. 
Each of the frames in a <frameset> can have different characteristics such as scrolling, border, the ability to resize and so on.
 I want you to have an opprobrious look at the example below:
         <frameset cols= ‘’100,25%,  *’’></frameset>
         <frameset rows=’’100,25%,  *’’></frameset>
Also, if you want to prevent a user from resizing the <frame> element, use <noresize> attribute
For example,
<frame  noresize=”noresize”>

                                                WRAPPING UP
Practice this lesson over and over again in order to familiarize yourself with all we’ve discussed above. In our next lesson, we ’ll be looking at our last lesson on HTML. Keep investing in yourself.

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